HomeBlogIndustry InsiderWhy 4K Isn’t Enough- Content Matters

Why 4K Isn’t Enough- Content Matters

Our world has become increasingly oriented around technology because in most cases, we tend to prize technological advancement over the artistic perspective. As an industry, we’ve obsessed over camera quality and features, while at times sacrificing quality of content. In general, the average consumer is duped into thinking that higher resolution automatically guarantees a superior product. The client pursues high resolution first and foremost, but without meaningful content within that resolution, the product will have no real value. What many of us have failed to understand is that technology is merely the vehicle for the message we need to convey. If our message isn’t properly communicated or didn’t exist from the start, then our image, video, or virtual event is a failure. No matter how advanced the technology, a video without substance is not worth its pixels. 

Technology is meant to enhance what already exists. If no value is present in the content, then the concept of “high resolution” crumbles. Say your skincare video’s resolution is so pristine that your viewers can see each and every pimple on the subject’s face. Eye-catching, right? But if you don’t teach them how to treat their acne, then what was the point of the video? Did you make someone’s life better by sharing your knowledge with them? How did you improve your viewers’ skincare routine? If you can’t answer these questions positively, then it’s time to revisit why you started this project in the first place. Perhaps a shift in priorities is in order. 

Another fitting example would be Apple’s tendency to release a product with a better camera without otherwise improving upon previous models. Many customers believe that this new product is going to elevate their pictures and videos drastically, but all it can do is boost their preexisting skillsets. Sharpened focus will not make you a better photographer if you lack the ability to frame your shots and use editing tools correctly and effectively. Technology alone cannot sustain your project if you lack worthwhile material. The creativity that you put into your work determines the quality of the finished product.

With these facts in mind, let’s return to making exceptional content the backbone of our events. Content is the primary differentiating factor in any event ever created. Not only our pictures, but our overarching narrative, the words we use, our style and cadence, and the manner in which we tell our stories will determine how people receive and interpret our message. We need to stress less about image quality and pour our efforts into communicating real value. People will either remember that your message was good despite poor video quality, or that it was bad despite great video quality. Technology is always an afterthought when people form their impressions of your work. The key takeaway in their minds will be whether or not your video was worth their time; if it raised their quality of life whatsoever, they won’t be wishing it was in 4k instead of 1080p.  

To cap it all off, your job as a content creator is to do just that – create content. It is critical that you have something worthwhile to say if you wish to avoid adding to the noise. Rather than expending energy on producing state-of-the-art visuals, let your message be the primary focus in the workshop. The rest will follow. The old adage in this case applies: “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all.” 

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