HomeBlogNews@BookItBee Launches Free Ticketing

@BookItBee Launches Free Ticketing

On 1st Dec Bookitbee, the online ticketing and booking tool, will become FREE in the USA & Canada under the campaign strapline “Ticketing Set Free”.  Organisers are being encouraged to sign-up and share to find out more and to get one of Bookitbees’ “Bee Free” accounts. 

Bookitbee has turned the commercial model for its ticketing tool on its head and is moving to a freemium model with a fully featured free system. The launch of “Bee Free” accounts sees the ticketing tool not charging event promoters for ticketing in addition to having their event promoted for free to potential ticket buyers.

“Bookitbee is positioned as a challenger brand – it has all the features people need, for free. The launch of the Bee Free account means that event organizers can bring people together for events without paying fees, hopefully encouraging them to put on more events and helping to grow the online ticketing market ” said Frank Di Mauro, COO & Co-founder of Bookitbee, “We think this initiative is long overdue and will shake up the industry, giving event organisers more flexibility and choice.”

Users with larger events or more functional needs will have the opportunity to upgrade for premium features, these are support, allocated seating, full service ticketing or merchandise. The initiative is initially being launched in the US and Canada with additional locations being rolled out over the next 12 months.

Bookitbee is currently taking pre-registrations for accounts and the first 10,000 applicants will have access to the new remodelled Bookitbee “Ticketing Set Free” on a first-come, first-served basis. Users are being asked to pre-register at http://bit.ly/beefreeaccount

All paid for events were previously charged at 2% + 75¢ per ticket in the USA and 2% + 95¢ in Canada, free events were always free of fees. With the new model only Premium accounts will be charged the same fees, which are still one of the most competitive in the market.  According to Statista the online US ticketing industry revenue is worth $13.3bn in 2016.

About Bookitbee

A software-led start up officially launched in 2013, Bookitbee is backed by the Scottish Government and is used for events of all sizes, ranging from a few people on a course to a music festival.

Bookitbee works across all categories and has a variety of clients including the Ultra EDM music festivals, The Atlantic Rally 2017 with Yacht Discovery, 2016 NYC Renaissance Ball, Challenge Central Bangkok to Phuket Cycle, Arizona’s 2017 CruiZ’n to the Lakes Car Show and The Tucson Beer Crawl.  Bookitbee is used by over 4000 event organisers and a recent customer survey concludes that 91% of users rated Bookitbee as very good/excellent.

Contact details: PR@bookitbee.com  Bookitbee Limited (Reg. no: 08432364) registered office: 3, Enterprise Centre, Tonbridge, Kent. TN11 8BG www.bookitbee.com

follow us www.facebook.com/bookitbee  Twitter: @bookitbee  Pinterest: Bookitbee


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