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Ask the Attendees: @avivi_skincare #techstylenyc

At the height of NYFW, Janine Just Inc. presents TechStyle NYC, a day-to-night leisure of experiences at the nexus of fashion & technology, drawing influential media, bloggers, & celebrities into one fashion-forward event. Set above the bustle of fashion week, the lounge offers a welcome reprieve to VIPs to discover, the new, next and now among the emerging brands curated into the showcase. The event had a wonderful turnout and attendees enjoyed the chance to celebrate NYC’s fashion week in techsy style!

But just who are the brands that attended the event? What’s their take on the event industry? And what did they think of TechStyleNYC? We took the opportunity to interview a few of the attendees and over the next few days will be featuring their interviews, read on for a peek inside the experience:


We talked to Cheryl MacCluskey, founder of Avivi

First of all, please tell our readers about you – what is the company all about?

My Name is Cheryl MacCluskey and I am the founder of Avivi. I developed Avivi out of frustration with fact that I could not find a simple, natural skincare line that was full of ingredients I couldn’t even pronounce.

Avivi’s body oil and scrub lines are about simplicity, being 100% natural with cold-pressed avocado oil, infused with stimulating scents of essential oils. A product that is free of chemicals and that can absorb into the skin leaving it hydrated and moisturized. Our Youthful facial serum has a bit more of a technical spin with the addition of active ingredients, peptides and retinol 50c. Youthful still retains its base structure and majority of composition with cold-pressed avocado oil, which combines unrivaled facial hydration while also diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

What were the 3 keys to getting the company off the ground – where did you invest your time?

Research and development and design were the three key components in starting Avivi. The first 6 months were strictly research on all the different kind of oils and essential oils and their properties.

Just having participated in TechStyle NYC, what role do live events play in your branding and marketing initiatives?

Live events are an amazing opportunity for us to showcase our products in their beautiful packaging. Furthermore, being able to demonstrate the efficacy of our products on interested individuals has given us great feedback on how we can develop the products further as time goes by. Brand initiatives are satisfied through showcasing and networking with other brands and individuals in the same market place. At the end of the day the press we’re able to garner is also pertinent to progressing our SEO marketing initiatives.

What was a successful social media campaign you hosted that showed great engagement and traction?

We’ve had great success with our Valentine’s day instagram campaign with called upon users to embrace the holiday season with our oils and a massage.

Finally, what is your favorite app? – Feel free to mention your own or one that has played a significant role throughout the development and launch of yours.

My personal favorite app is instagram

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